First indicators were sent with limited indication on temperature channel.
Start from connecting of indicator USB flasher according to pictures:

Please be careful as programmer can be inserted incorrectly. USB socket should be on outer side.
Next, connect programmer using USB Type-C cable to your computer (newer smartphones cables fit well)
It should be recognized as COM serial port in Windows or serial device in Linux.
Flashing is done from a Chrome browser with serial port support.
To access flashing page, go to:
To access flasher.

Here, press select port and select appropriate serial port.

Now go to settings and check if Access Modbus setting is unchecked:

And select 115200 baud rate, if any other is selected.
Now press connect and then, press Full erase flash,

Then click “Open file” and select the firmware supplied along with this file, and press Flash. After that, device is ready for use.